This Box is for Good is a creative project—a way for us to collaborate and learn new printing skills, and to express our zeitgeist—but it’s also a social project: in the passing along of box from person to person to person, our boxes make their way around the world. Each person whose hands a box passes through is connected to all the others in the chain, and to us. It’s kind of delightful.
When box recipients register their boxes on this website, we ask for their city, so that we can draw a geographical picture of how our boxes are making their way.
The map here shows all the places the boxes have landed as of today, March 8, 2024.
There have been 59 box registrations in total:
- 35 boxes have been registered on Prince Edward Island.
- Besides Canada, they’ve made their way to six other countries: Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States.
- The box that’s travelled the farthest from home has gone to Mount Colah, Australia, a journey of about 16,000 km.
We are early days yet, but there have been more than a few boxes that have taken more than one hop:
- Charlottetown ➡ Montreal, QC ➡ Victoria, BC
- Charlottetown ➡ Charlottetown ➡ Durham, NC
- Charlottetown ➡ Charlottetown ➡ Mount Colah, Australia
- Charlottetown ➡ Oakville, ON ➡ Calgary, AB
- Charlottetown ➡ Warwickshire, UK ➡ Hampshire, UK
- Charlottetown ➡ Amersfoort, Netherlands ➡ Münster, Germany
- Charlottetown ➡ Charlottetown ➡ Calgary, AB