You're here because you received a This Box is for Good box. 

But it is not yours to keep…

Our idea is simple:

  1. Receive and enjoy all that your box contains.
  2. Register your box below. 
  3. Choose someone you want to delight and fill the box with something special for them.
  4. Hand deliver, or mail your box.

Thank you!

With love,
Lisa and Peter

Every box has a unique number, printed either on the inside top flap, or on the bottom of the box. Omit the leading zeros, if any.
Your Name
We won't make your name public.
We won't make your email address public.
Can we share your information?
Can we share information (name, city, contents of box) with other people whose hands your box has passed through?
Where do you live?
We will use this to place a marker on your city on a map of boxes, but we won't identify you.